When you have spent a lot of time online just looking for tips about rabbit care and its chewing mechanics, there are tons of suggestions you probably ran into and on how to feed your rabbit. All of it needs to suggest a diet mainly on Timothy hay. Below are some of the reasons with why it is considered to be the best choice for rabbits.
Rich in Fiber
Timothy hay is high in fiber, which is very important to the digestive health of your rabbit. A lot of treats could throw the digestive system of your rabbit that could potentially lead to obesity and also possible diarrhea.
Promotes Dental Health
Rabbits that don't actually get enough Timothy hay in their diet are prone to growing spurs on their teeth. It can be uncomfortable for rabbits and it creates sores and infections which could compromise the health of your rabbit and also its chewing mechanics. In some cases, a tooth spur needs to be corrected by vets because this could potentially lead to unnecessary expenses.
Promotes Well-toned Muscles
Though we usually are not talking about the biceps, diets that are high in long strand crude fiber helps to promote a well-toned digestive muscle that helps your rabbit to pass hair and food effectively through its digestive system.
Available Choices
There are some rabbits that does not enjoy coarser and healthier first cut Timothy hay. The second and third cut Timothy only have less fiber and is also more fragrant and softer that appeals rabbits. This is in fact one of the best things with Timothy hay because you have options between the first cut, second cut and third cut timothy hay for rabbits.
It is Unprocessed
There are certain shops that knows the source of Timothy hay that they sell. They mostly live and work in an area to where they are able to see hay growing and being harvested. Some of them in fact sells it in a big box that allows it to retain to its long strands and healthy attributes. There are also those that does not chop, pack or cut it just to fit this in a small bag or to fit this more efficiently in a big box shelf.
Rabbit care is actually very easy. With Timothy Hay, you will surely make the right choice for your rabbit’s health and chewing mechanics. You will surely get that’s happy and healthy.
For any other information, click the link - https://www.encyclopedia.com/manufacturing/news-wires-white-papers-and-books/pet-food